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Buddy Up - West Essex Adult Inclusion Project

The Buddy Up project supports adults 18+ with learning disabilities, autism or both across West Essex (Epping Harlow and Uttlesford) into accessing community activities.

The project will pair a buddy with an individual, based on common interests. If you know someone or are someone living locally and/or attending a GP clinic in West Essex who would like to hear more about this project, then we’d love to hear from you!

Adult Disability Inclusion Officers:
Olivia Timotheou Mob: 07729 109006 otimotheou@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
Liza Dos Santos Mob: 07707 147961 ldossantos@eppingforestdc.gov.uk


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Children's Play in the Park - Easter 2025

Play in the Park is all about playing games and having fun outdoors.
No need to book, just drop in at any time. The Play in the Park team will bring a range of sports equipment and arts & crafts resources for children and their parents/carers to enjoy together*.
The team will be there to help organise activities and games.

All totally free of charge.
*Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Morning sessions 10am - 12noon

Afternoon sessions 1.30pm-3.30pm

For all dates and locations please click here 



Countrycare Easter

Countrycare Easter Scavenger Hunt

Wednesday 9 April 2025 11:00 - 13:00

Roughtally’s Wood, end of Pike Way, North Weald, CM16 6BL  What 3 words: swim.value.soccer

Meeting point over bridge from entrance from Pike Way CM16 6BL

Come to one of our Local Nature Reserves for an Easter Scavenger Hunt. See how many wildlife riddles you can answer and win some Easter treats. 

Children must be accompanied by an adult, no large groups please. Some uneven footpaths throughout the woodland.

Age 4-11 years 

* PLEASE NOTE * -  Only book children aged 4-11 years - NO NEED TO BOOK parents/guardian or siblings/other children under 4 years

£3 per child 4 and over  /  Under 4s free

No Bikes allowed on site.  Dogs on leads please.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226


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Countrycare Wellness Wonder for Adults

Wednesday 25 June 2025 18:30 – 20:00

Roughtally’s Wood, end of Pike Way, North Weald Bassett, CM16 6BL What 3 words: swim.value.soccer

Meeting point over bridge from entrance from Pike Way CM16 6BL

Wellness Wonder will be time spent walking around Roughtalley’s Wood enjoying time in nature. Explaining the history connected to the site with moments to stop along the way to do some deep breathing exercises, along with some wellness practices like picture frame viewing, this will help you to take time to enjoy the now. We would ask that phone be put on silent, to be able to make a deeper connection to the environment of the woodlands and all its sights and sounds.

Adults 18+ only. £3 per person.

No large groups please. Some uneven footpaths thought the woodland.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226


Cycling for Health

Cycling For Health: Wednesday Morning Rides

Cycling for Health sessions are being run by Jarvis Goodyear at Epping Forest MTB and you can now find all the information you need to know before you attend and book directly with Epping Forest MTB by clicking on the link https://www.eppingforestmtb.co.uk/cycling-for-health/

If you have any further questions about the sessions please contact Jarvis directly by email C4H@eppingforestmtb.co.uk


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FREE - Carers Support Programme in Theydon Bois

-  For carers looking after loved ones living with dementia

Theydon Bois - Every Monday starting 3rd - 24th February 2025 11.15am – 1.15pm 

Location: St. Mary's Church Hall, Coppice Row, Theydon Bois, Essex CM16 7ER

This is part of a series of carers support programmes that will run across different areas of the district for carers looking after loved ones living with dementia.

he main objective of this programme is to inform carers of the local support available as well as explore creative ideas to support their own wellbeing as well as their loved ones. It is time away from a caring role in a safe, friendly and supportive environment.

Each group will run once a week for 4 weeks and each session will be 2 hours. For adults over 18. Free - no charge.

The next 4-week programme after Theydon Bois will be at Chigwell Community Parish Hub, Next to Victory Hall, Hainault Road, Chigwell. IG7 6QX Every Wednesday From 19th March to 9th April 2025, 10am to 12 noon

For enquiries and booking contact kmurray@eppingforestdc.gov.uk / 07789 372196 

Please click here for flyer


Disability Football

FREE - Disability Football Adults 18+

Thursdays 5pm to 6pm Term Time Only at New City Fitness Centre, Borders Lane, Loughton IG10 3SA

January 16th, 23rd, 30th  February 6th, 13th (No Session 20th Half term) 27th

March 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th   April 3rd  

Disability football is a fun and inclusive activity designed for adults aged 18+ with learning disabilities, autism, or both. It provides a supportive environment to socialize and stay active through football.

Sessions are FREE.

If you are interested in joining, please contact:

Adult Disability Inclusion Officers:

Olivia Timotheou Mob: 07729 109006 otimotheou@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Liza Dos Santos Mob: 07707 147961 ldossantos@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please click here for flyer


Community Safety

FREE EVENT - Stay Safe and Well This Spring 2025

Monday 17 March 2025 - Arrive 10:30 to start 11:00 - finishes 15:30

at The Epping Conference Suite, Ground Floor, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ

Age 18+   

Informative talks from health and wellbeing advisors on how to stay safe and well. A Seated exercise session suitable for all will take place as well as a free information bag, lunch, and an interactive performance about scamming. Health checks TBC.

Please note parking is not available on site but there is pay and display parking available in and around Epping town centre.

Book your place from January 2025 to avoid disappointment.

When booking please choose number of participants first and then press Select.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226 

Please click here for flyer


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FREE EVENT- Mindful Art Space

Starts from Friday 22 November 12.30pm - 3.30pm  Weekly sessions

Drop-in for residents of Oakwood Hill & surrounding area at Oakwood Hill Community Hall, Longcroft Rise, Loughton IG10 3NB

A drop-in space to creatively express your mental health led by RMN Janet Ellington.  An opportunity to be playful with art in a mindful, safe space in a small group setting and to have direct access to mental health advice.

You can drop in and out any time within the specified hours.

There is no requirement to book but if you have any questions, please contact Oakwood Hill Community Engagement Officer, Claire Evans on: 07763 218593 

Please click here for flyer

* Our picture is the artwork of Janice Birks who attended previous sessions with Janet and now has her own art



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FREE Walking Football - Waltham Abbey

Every Tuesday 11.30am - 12.30pm - Town Mead Football Pitches, Brooker Road, Waltham Abbey, EN9 1JH. Ages 45+

IMPORTANT: No Walking Football will be taking place on Tuesday 4th March 2025 due to pitch maintenance, we return on Tuesday 11th March 2025 , sorry for any inconvenience

A slower-paced version of the beautiful game, Walking Football is aimed at getting players back into the sport.

For further information call: 01992 564222 or Email kmurray@eppingforestdc.gov.uk who will put you in contact with the group


Digital Drop in

Get Help and Support with your Digital Skills

Visit our drop-in centre in Epping for help, support and advice from friendly and experienced staff to help you improve your digital skills.

Get support with: Zoom, Banking, Social Media, Health Appointments 

Drop-in service is free of charge, no appointment or booking needed

Held at Epping Community Hub Every Thursday 9.30am to 12.30pm at Epping Forest District Council Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping CM16 4BZ

Contact us to find out more Chris Seaman Email communityhub@vaef.org.uk or Call 07529 222655 

Please click here for flyer


Lets Get Together 15.04.24

Let’s Get Together

Waltham Abbey Ninefields - Every Monday 10.30am - 12.30pm at The Cutting Crew Hair Salon, 5, Hill House, Waltham Abbey EN9 3EL

Epping - Every Tuesday 2.30pm - 4.30pm at The Epping Community Hub, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping CM16 4BZ

Loughton - Every Wednesday 12.30pm - 2.30pm at The Oakwood Hill Community Hub, Longcroft Rise, Loughton IG10 3NB

Chigwell -  Every Friday 1pm - 3pm at The Limes Centre, Limes Avenue, Chigwell IG7 5LP

These FREE weekly sessions are run by Epping Forest District Council’s Community, Development and Wellbeing team and are open to the whole community.

Come along and get to know others in your local area. Learn a new skill, play a few games, or just relax and enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.

No need to book, just turn up

If you have any further questions then please contact Karen Murray, Older Peoples Community Engagement Officer; kmurray@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

01992 564222

Please click here for Waltham Abbey Ninefields flyer

Please click here for Epping flyer

Please click here for Loughton flyer

Please click here for Chigwell flyer


Lifewalks 06.02.22


Lifewalks has been transferred to a voluntary run walking scheme under the supervision of the Lee Valley Park Authority.

You can find all the information you need to know before you attend a session here: 

Get active in the Lee Valley | Visit Lee Valley

If you have any questions or need clarification on anything then please email activation@leevalleypark.org.uk

From £0.00

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Register with the West Essex Inclusion Project

Thank you for registering to join the West Essex Inclusion Project.

EFDC is funded by Essex Short Breaks to deliver activities in West Essex and support children and young people aged 0 to 14 with autism and/or a learning disability, with a physical and/or sensory impairment. EFDC delivers a number of activities including afternoon, weekend and school holiday activities all year round. These activities are inclusive and will support your child to improve their physical and mental well-being whilst also helping them to engage with their peers and encourage them to become more independent.

Before your child starts the programme you must register and complete a medical questionnaire. You will then be contacted to discuss your child's needs and any specialist healthcare requirements. The Disability Inclusion Officer will then work with you to support your child.
Please contact Emily Stevens estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk to register your interest.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask them when we contact you following your registration with the West Essex Inclusion Project. All you need to do now is complete your registration. It is important to us you answer all questions with as much detail as possible to help us begin planning to support your child.

Thank you



The Community Plot at Longfield Allotment Needs You

Come and Join Us in the Spring

Longfield Allotment Ninefields Plot L12  Abbotts Drive, Waltham Abbey, Essex. EN9 3HH  (Exact location or entrance what 3 words ///count.hangs.tells )

Longfield Allotment site has been cleared and is ready to make your own. By getting involved you will not only contribute to the overall well-being of the community, but also reap countless personal rewards. Engaging with nature, learning new skills, sharing your horticultural knowledge with others, and forging meaningful connections are just a few of the benefits you can experience by becoming part of this incredible project. For 18 plus and Parents and Children.

If you want to discuss ideas on how to develop the community allotment and want to get involved, please contact: Karen Murray, Older Peoples Community Engagement Officer: kmurray@eppingforestdc.gov.uk  Tel 01992 564222

Please click here for flyer



Wellbeing Wednesdays - Community Cafe

Every Wednesday 12:00 - 13:45pm at The Space, Epping Forest District Museum, 39-41 Sun Street, Waltham Abbey EN9 1EL

This Community Café in Waltham Abbey is a space where you can enjoy some light refreshments, have an opportunity to chat, meet new friends in a relaxed, warm and welcoming environment. This café is dementia friendly. 

For Adults and those living with dementia.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226



West Essex Inclusion Project - Inclusion Activity Club

Sundays 12:00 - 14:00  Term time only  12, 19, 26 January    2, 9, 16 February then break for half term

Sundays 12:00 - 14:00 March 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th

Great Dunmow Leisure Centre Parsonage Downs CM6 2AT

For ages 5-7 and 8-14  (Siblings welcome to attend as well) 

The session includes a Bouncy castle, some structured play, born2move dancing, multi- sports and trampolining. Reasonable adjustments can be made to support any additional needs.

This session is open to children living in Harlow, Epping and Uttlesford and their siblings.

All parents/carers must complete the medical questionnaire before their child attends the session. If you have any questions or need to speak with someone regarding your child’s complex needs or specialist healthcare please email Emily Stevens estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

For more information, please contact our Disability and Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens: estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk or on 07596 890 819 

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please be aware that this activity is not delivered by Epping Forest District Council, therefore your Emergency Contact details (Participant Name, Participants additional needs, Guardians Name, Guardians Telephone Number, child's Date of birth, Unique Passport number and Emergency contact details) will be passed to the activity provider and will only be used for the purposes of registration on to the session and contact in case of an emergency.



West Essex Inclusion Project - Inflatables Ongar

Saturdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm at Ongar Leisure Centre, The Gables, Fyfield Rd, Chipping Ongar, Ongar CM5 0GA

4 January 2025, 1 February, 1 March, 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August, 6 September, 4 October, 1 November, 6 December

Join us for 60 minutes of Inflatable Mayhem at Ongar Leisure Centre. With 'Wipe-out style' courses with obstacles and slides which kids can scale and climb through. Can you get to the other side without falling overboard? Alongside this have rafts and floats.

Note: all participants must be able to swim for this activity.

This session is for children and young people aged 8-14 with SEND. £10 per session.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226



West Essex Inclusion Project - Inflatables Waltham Abbey

Sundays 3:15pm - 4:15pm at Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre, Hill House, Waltham Abbey, EN9 3EL 

Dates for 2025 - 5 January, 2 February, 2 March, 6 April, 4 May, 1 June, 6 July, 3 August, 7 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December 2025

Join us for 60 minutes of Inflatable Mayhem at Waltham Abbey Leisure Centre. With 'wipe-out style' courses with obstacles and slides which kids can scale and climb through. Can you get to the other side without falling overboard? Alongside this have rafts and floats.

Note: all participants must be able to swim for this activity.

This session is for children and young people aged 8-14 with SEND. £10 per session.

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226


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West Essex Inclusion Project - Multi-sports 2025

New City Fitness Centre, Borders Lane, Loughton IG10 3SA

Mondays 5pm - 6pm  February 17th 24th    March 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st

Enjoy fun, fast-moving indoor team games and activities to build confidence and skills in hitting the ball, running, catching, throwing with support from South Loughton Cricket Club and Super 1s!

This session is for children and young people aged 8-14 with SEND on The West Essex Inclusion Project. Please contact our Disability Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens to join The West Essex Inclusion Project. estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Reasonable adjustments can be made to support additional needs, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

For more information, please contact our Disability and Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens: estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk or on 07596 890 819 

For booking support call: 01992 564226

Please click here for flyer



West Essex Inclusion Project - Urban Limitz!

Trampolining and soft play session for children age 8 – 14 with SEND and open to children living in Harlow, Epping and Uttlesford

Urban Limitz, Harlow Leisurezone, Second Ave, Harlow, CM20 3DT

* Please note, there is a parking charge at Harlow Leisurezone. This will be £2 and is applicable to all parking bays. Upon leaving Urban Limitz to return to your vehicle,  please enter your registration in the machine to purchase your parking.

Wednesday 5 February 18:00 - 19:00

Wednesday 12 February 18:00 - 19:00

Wednesday 19 February * is at the earlier time of 17:00-18:00 *

Wednesday 26 February 18:00 - 19:00 

Escape into Urban Limitz Adventure Trampoline Park, the ultimate indoor obstacle arena. Tackle each of the multi level challenge areas, jump, bounce and free-style your way to fun. This relaxed one hour session will allow your child to engage with others, have fun in the park and try out new activities and obstacle courses!  

This session is for children and young people aged 8-14 with SEND and open to children living in Harlow, Epping and Uttlesford. 

Activity waivers must be in place with Leisurezone - All parents/carers must complete the medical questionnaire before their child attends the session.

If you have any questions or need to speak with someone regarding your child’s complex needs or specialist healthcare please email estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

Please click here for flyer

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please be aware that this activity is not delivered by Epping Forest District Council, therefore your Emergency Contact details (Participant Name, Participants additional needs, Guardians Name, Guardians Telephone Number, child's Date of birth, Unique Passport number and Emergency contact details) will be passed to the activity provider.



West Essex Inclusion Project – Animal Encounter and Crafts

Tuesday 18th February 2025 – 12.30pm - 2.30pm at Epping Hall, St Johns Road, Epping, Essex. CM16 5JU

Let’s get “owl” creative! Enjoy a visit from Garg’s Animal Encounters, learn about the animals and be inspired to create animal themed crafts this February half term!  

To see the animals that may come and join us please visit: https://www.gargsanimalencounters.co.uk/animals

You will of course be more than welcome to take photos of the animals with your children.

This session is for children and young people aged 0-14 with SEND The West Essex Inclusion Project. Parents and guardians are more than welcome to stay and join in on the fun!

Please contact our Disability Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens to join The West Essex Inclusion Project. estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk
Reasonable adjustments can be made to support additional needs, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

For more information, please contact our Disability and Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens: estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk or on 07596 890 819 

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please click here for flyer


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West Essex Inclusion Project – Explore Lee Valley White Water Centre and meet Ben Haylett

Friday 21st February 2025 – 10am – 12pm at Lee Valley White Water Centre EN9 1AB

The West Essex Inclusion Project and Lee Valley Regional Park have teamed together to create activities for The West Essex Inclusion Project throughout 2025.

Come and join us with your child to tour The Lee Valley White Water Centre, have a talk provided by Paddle UK with Ben Haylett, U23 European Kayak Champion and find out more about our exciting plan for activities to be held in and around the Lee Valley Regional Park.

At age 8, Ben discovered canoeing after noticing a poster advertising the sport at school. Chat with Ben to find out more about his experiences and perhaps, one of you may become a champion!

Ben Haylett made his first senior appearance in 2021 at the World Cup Final in Pau, aged 20, and has since become an established performer at under-23 level. In 2023, he won bronze in the kayak team event at the European Under-23 Championships in Bratislava, with Sam Leaver and David Paterson, and finished sixth in the individual K1.Haylett experienced his first international title at the World Junior Championships in 2019, claiming gold in the K1 team event alongside Jonny Dickson and Etienne Chappell in Krakow.

This session is for children and young people aged 5-14 with SEND and their parents or guardians on The West Essex Inclusion Project.

Please contact our Disability Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens to join The West Essex Inclusion Project. estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

If you are unable to attend with your child, but your child would still love this opportunity please contact me! Reasonable adjustments can be made to support additional needs, please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

For more information, please contact our Disability and Inclusion Officer, Emily Stevens: estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk or on 07596 890 819 

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please click here for flyer



West Essex Inclusion Project – Soft Play at Monkey Kingdom

Tuesday 28 January, Tuesday 25 February, Tuesday 25 March, Tuesday 15 April 

9.15am - 10.45am 

Once a month 90 minute soft play activity session suitable for children aged 3 months – 12 years with SEND on The West Essex Inclusion Project

Monkey Kingdom, Unit G3, Sterling House, Langston Road, Loughton, Essex, IG10 3TS

Monkey Kingdom believe in the power of play. Their mission is to provide a fun and engaging space where children can develop their physical, social, and cognitive skills through interactive play – come and join us for 90 minutes of SEN friendly play! The space is booked just for us.

Monkey Kingdom is a new soft play centre on Langston Road (next to Tool Station) and has a sensory room on site! There are 3different areas. toddlers, main play, and the gladiator run for older children.

Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult. 

 This session is for children and young people aged 3 months - 12 years with SEND and open to children living in Harlow, Epping and Uttlesford. If you are interested but your child is between the ages of 13-14 please send an email to Emily Stevens, Disability Inclusion Officer estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

If you are unsure if this activity is suitable for your child or if you have any questions or need to speak with someone regarding your child’s complex needs or specialist healthcare please email estevens@eppingforestdc.gov.uk

For booking support or further information call: 01992 564226

Please be aware that this activity is not delivered by Epping Forest District Council, therefore your Emergency Contact details (Participant Name, Participants additional needs, Guardians Name, Guardians Telephone Number, child's Date of birth, Unique Passport number and Emergency contact details) will be passed to the activity provider.
